
Wands - Fantasy Card Game

Created by Josh Levitan

Wands is a fast-paced fantasy card battle for two to five players, combining elements of Uno and Magic: The Gathering.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Small Shipping Update - Phone Numbers & More...
over 10 years ago – Wed, Jul 23, 2014 at 08:53:59 AM

Important: The shipper just informed me that some countries require a phone number for shipping internationally.  We have added that as a question into BackerKit.  Everyone receiving physical copies of the game - please go back to BackerKit and fill in your phone number (it will prompt you). You should fill in your phone number as a domestic backer as well -- it helps if there are delivery issues.

BackerKit link

I am working on getting the boxes picked up by the shipping/fulfillment company.  Hopefully in the next day or two.  That way they will have the decks on hand to ship out as soon as we're ready.

I will get a more exact timeline from the shipper on when people can start expecting the game.  They won't go out, however, until everybody has filled in their BackerKit info.  At this time, there are still 48 backers who did not respond on BackerKit at all.

Print'n'Play will be distributed via BackerKit once we're all set.  Backers who got giclees -- those will be sent separately directly to you.  That will also happen once everyone has filled out their BackerKit info and settled up for shipping (if need be).  And signed copies of the game will also be sent separately, as Lindsey and/or I need to sign them.  Those are also going out after all the BackerKit stuff is settled.

And if you feel like adding in tips (or more tips), there's still time :)